Baten Family Fellowship & Awards

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is pleased to announce that undergraduate chemistry and biochemistry majors who participate in the departmental Honors Program are now eligible to apply for the Baten Family Summer Fellowship, the Baten Family Summer Research Support Award, the Baten Family Travel Award, and the Baten Family Flex Award.

Baten Family Summer Fellowship

Student Researcher at Fume Hood

This is a competitive fellowship to support honors students who are participating in summer research in the department. Up to $9,000 is available to cover a summer stipend and defray living expenses. The expectation is that, during the fellowship period, the fellow will invest 10 weeks of full-time research related to their honors thesis project. Students must apply using the *Baten Family Summer Fellowship Application by March 15th for full consideration. One fellowship will be awarded each summer. Students receiving this fellowship are required to decline any other fellowships awarded by Notre Dame.

*Notre Dame NetID is required to access the application form.

Baten Family Summer Research Support Award

Student Researcher in Lab

Students may request up to $2,000 to supplement other summer research funding. The research must be directly related to the student’s honors thesis. The number of awards is subject to the availability of funds and the number of students requesting support. Students must apply using the *Baten Family Summer Research Support Award Application by March 15th for full consideration. Students may apply in parallel for this award and for the summer fellowship but will not be selected for both.

*Notre Dame NetID is required to access the application form.

Baten Family Travel Award

Poster Presentation

The Baten Family Travel Award will advance or reimburse the costs related to student attendance at conferences, workshops, or other meetings, including short courses (travel, lodging, registration, etc.). The purpose of the travel must be directly related to the student’s honors thesis research. Students must apply using the *Baten Family Travel Award Application. There are three application deadlines per year: September 15th, December 15th, and March 15th. Funds must be used within six months of receipt. For all awards, proof of meeting attendance and other receipts are required. The number of awards is subject to the availability of funds and the number of students requesting support. The maximum award per student per year is $1,500.

*Notre Dame NetID is required to access the application form.

Baten Family Flex Award

The Baten Family Flex Award is designed to help students in the honors program purchase materials and other resources that are directly related to their honors thesis research. Suggested use of this funding includes the purchase of books, software, webcourses or specific laboratory supplies. Students must apply using the *Baten Family Flex Award Application. There are three application deadlines per year: September 15th, December 15th, and March 15th. Funds must be used within three months of receipt; proof of purchase (or price quote) is required. The number of awards is subject to the availability of funds and the number of students requesting support. The maximum award per student is $1,000.

*Notre Dame NetID is required to access the application form.

About the Baten Family

These opportunities have been made possible through the generosity of Clay and Wanda Baten, members of the College of Science's Advisory Council. They are the owners of SGB Solutions, WLB Energy, and Baten Consulting, companies involved in chemical research and development, manufacturing, and sales. The Batens share their time between Midland, TX and South Bend. Clay and Wanda are the proud parents of Ara Baten and Knute Baten and the very proud grandparents of Allen (ND 2018), Kelly (ND 2021), and Ella Baten.