
Our graduate program has strengths in all areas of modern chemistry and biochemistry and many opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary research. The department has:

  • 40 Tenured/tenure-track faculty
    • 13 AAAS Fellows
    • 19 NSF CAREER grant awardees
    • 2 Cottrell Scholar awardees
    • 4 Royal Society of Chemistry Fellows
    • 5 American Chemical Society Fellows
  • 256 Graduate students
  • 18 Postdoctoral fellows
  • 24 Research and professional faculty
  • 11 Concurrent or adjunct faculty

In fiscal year 2023-2024, researchers in the department were awarded over $24M in research funding.

The department is primarily housed in the connected buildings, Nieuwland Science Hall and Stepan Hall of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and in the newly opened McCourtney Hall of Molecular Science and Engineering. Departmental researchers also occupy significant space in Harper Hall, Raclin-Carmichael Hall, Stinson-Remick Hall, Fitzpatrick Hall, and the Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory.  Combined, this constitutes approximately 120,000 square feet of faculty research space. In addition, our faculty are integral users of the exceptional core facilities on campus.

For more information on the campus see the interactive map and take a virtual tour.

Our magazine provides an excellent overview of our program, facilities, and research activities.

  1. 123 Internal fellowships
  2. $35,805 12-month stipend on top of full tuition waiver
  3. 11 CBBI Fellows

Financial Support

We offer a generous stipend in addition to a full tuition scholarship and health care subsidy. The 12-month stipend for the 2023-2024 academic year is $35,805. Moreover, the cost of living in South Bend is very affordable. This tool provides an easy way to compare cost of living in various areas.