In Memoriam: Dawn Verleye

Author: Mary Prorok

Dawn Verleye

On May 7th, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry lost a treasured employee with the passing of Dawn Verleye, our Stock and Space Coordinator. Dawn was not only a supremely efficient, helpful, and resourceful member of our staff team, she was also a kind and caring friend to many in Stepan and Nieuwland. She was particularly dedicated to the graduate students and was famous for dispensing “goodie bags” to them around the holidays and after successful oral defenses. Her door, literally and figuratively, was always open! Dawn graduated with a degree in biology from Saint Mary’s College and began her long association with Notre Dame in 1989 working in the Department of Biological Sciences. She came to our department in 2018. Though confronted with many challenges to her health in the last several months, Dawn still loved coming to work and serving the citizens of Stepan and Nieuwland. We were lucky to have her as a member of our department. She will be greatly missed.