Development and Placement

Professional Development

We believe in holistic training for our graduate students beyond their research specialization. Our goal is to ensure that our graduates are fully prepared to take on careers in academia, industry, government, or non-governmental organizations. Our students are able to take advantage of the multiple development opportunities available through the professional development program offered by the graduate school. A comprehensive program of skill building programs exists, and we strongly encourage our students to engage in these options.


During the fall semester of each year, the department provides assistance in placing our graduating students. Graduate Career Services provides dedicated assistance to graduate students, which includes discussing career options, performing mock interviews, and help in preparing both resumes and CVs. In addition, the department has long-standing relationships with several companies which schedule on-campus interviews. This program has been highly successful, and our graduates go on to secure excellent positions in both the private and public sectors.

On the academic side, our graduates also go on to establish careers at both teaching and research-oriented institutions of all sizes.  This includes some of the top universities in the U.S. such as Yale University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Southern California.