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    Why Major in Chemistry or Biochemistry

    Chemistry and biochemistry studies focus on understanding the structure, properties, and reactions of matter spanning from individual atoms to biological macromolecules. Our personalized programs and state of the art facilities provide every opportunity for our students to excel.

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    Programs of Study

    Bachelor of science degrees are offered with a major in chemistry or a major in biochemistry, in addition to a combination program of chemistry with computing and a concentration in neuroscience. Students in our programs may also suppplement their major with secondary majors, minors, or our honors program. A minor in chemistry is available to students outside the department.

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    Career Paths

    Students choose to major in chemistry or biochemistry for a variety of reasons, but whether you foresee a future working in the chemical field or pursuing a different path, the solid foundation provided by your degree can set you up for success.

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    Research Opportunities

    Undergraduate research is highly valued, and many opportunities exist for students both within the department and beyond. Research can be done for credit or as a paid summer position.

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    Study Abroad

    Our flexible program allows many options for studying abroad. The most popular option for our majors is Dublin in the junior year, but students go all over the world, including to Spain, Mexico, Chile, London, and Australia.

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    Meet Our Students

    Learn about our program directly from our chemistry and biochemistry majors. Students discuss experiences in class, research, and campus activities.